Software y controladores más recientes

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Intel® Server Board S2600BP Family BIOS and Firmware Update for Intel® One Boot Flash Update (Intel® OFU) Utility

Intel® Server Board S2600BP Family BIOS and Firmware Update Package for UEFI

Intel® Server Chipset Driver for Windows* for Intel® Server Boards and Systems Based on Intel® 62X Chipset

Onboard Video Driver for Linux* for Intel® Server Boards and Systems Based on Intel® 62X Chipset

Onboard Video Driver for Windows* for Intel® Server Boards and Systems Based on Intel® 62X Chipset

Server Configuration Utility (syscfg) for Intel® Server Boards and Intel® Server Systems

Intel® One Boot Flash Update (Intel® OFU) Utility for Intel® Server Boards and Intel® Server Systems Based on Intel® 62X Chipset

Onboard Network Driver for Intel® Server Boards and Systems Based on Intel® 62X Chipset

Intel® Embedded Server RAID Technology 2 (ESRT2) Windows* Driver for Intel® Server Boards and Systems Based on Intel® 62X Chipset

Controlador de Windows* Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC) y Tecnología de almacenamiento Intel® Rapid Enterprise (Intel® RSTe) para placas y sistemas de servidor Intel® basados en el chipset Intel® 62X

Intel® Embedded Server RAID Technology 2 (ESRT2) Linux* Driver for Intel® Server Boards and Systems Based on Intel® 62X Chipset

System Event Log (SEL) Viewer Utility for Intel® Server Boards and Intel® Server Systems

Intel® Configuration Detector for Linux*

System Event Log (SEL) Viewer Utility

Windows* Driver for Intel® RAID Controller RS3LC5 / RS3LC (Integrated Controller on AHWBP12GBGBR5 / AHWBP12GBGB)

Intel® Virtual RAID on CPU (Intel® VROC) and Intel® Rapid Storage Technology Enterprise (Intel® RSTe) Linux* Driver for Intel® Server Boards and Systems Based on Intel® 62X Chipset

Paquete de firmware para Intel® RAID Controller RS3KC / RS3PC (controlador integrado en AHWBP12GBGBIT / AHWBPBGB24)

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